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School News

The latest happenings at St. Mary, Star of the Sea School

Blue Hair Because You Cared!

A resounding thank you echoes through the halls of St. Mary, Star of the Sea School to the incredible support from parents, alumni, faculty, grandparents, and parishioners on Giving Tuesday. The generosity of our community has propelled us to reach our second milestone, an impressive $15,000 by 9 PM. But the night is young, and the enthusiasm is still building! There’s an entire week ahead to help us soar toward our ambitious $30,000 goal.

A special shout-out to Mr. Englund, who lived up to his promise by dyeing his hair after we hit the $7,500 mark. In the spirit of celebration, our student council president showcased their creativity with a special blue hair style, adding a vibrant touch to the festivities. As a token of appreciation, this Friday, all students will enjoy a cozy PJ day and indulge in some delightful treats—a small gesture to express our immense gratitude.

St. Mary’s community, your generosity knows no bounds, and your support is the driving force behind our growth and flourishing. Let’s continue this remarkable journey together. For those eager to contribute or join in on the excitement, click the button below to donate.

Every donation brings us closer to realizing the vibrant future of St. Mary’s, and we appreciate each and every one of you for making a difference. Together, we make our school shine brighter than ever.